Thursday 26 April 2007

For Harry, England, St George and the Basra admin tent

Should Prince Harry serve on the front line if he gets posted to Afghanistan or Iraq is the question posed by most of the newspapers today. Maltheus's views is that he should probably not be allowed to go if he is likely to become an increased risk for the rest of the soldiers in his regiment (Which is pretty likely to be honest)

However, a friend in the military says that he should go and shoud serve the same as everyone else. It's his job and he might as well leave the army if he doesn't serve as any other officer or squaddie would do in this situation.

Also, even though he's one of 'our boys' Matheus tends to think its all pretty irrelevant when hundreds and thousands of Iraqis are dying every day/week/month!

1 comment:

Nich Starling said...

The fact that we have had our highest death rate of the campaign (eleven in one month) shows that other UK troops are now in danger because insurgents are targetting UK forces more. Perhaps he will survive, but how many other UK troops will be targetted and killed in order to try and get at harry.

He should not be sent.