Wednesday 2 May 2007

What a...

Nobb - Simon Nobb called my yesterday (Apologies for the pun!). He's the Lib Dem candidate for Mile Cross and seemed a nice enough guy. Obviously trying to get in the last few votes on the campaign trail but seemed a little too unsure for Maltheus to be honest. He didn't quite seem confortable in talking at the doorstep. He wanted to make Mile Cross a better place but admitted that every party would offer that anyway. Like Maltheus says, nice guy but didn't speak councillor to me. However, being the only candidate to knock on Maltheus wishes him luck for his effort.

Bumped into a ex Tory campaigner in the Sportspark today as well and he told Maltheus that he gave up campaiging with the Conservatives because they were becoming too right wing for him. He supported Cameron but Norwich Tories were going in the wrong direction. Better hunt him down Tories!

Talking about the candidate not being too confident, maybe it doesn't matter all that much if they work bloody hard for their constiuents anyway. So Maltheus opens it out to all, what three traits are essential for a good councillor?

Maltheus says:

- Integrity
- A good orator
- Show empathy

Whats yours...?


Antony said...

I am intrigued by an "ex Tory campaigner" ... I have no idea who it could be as I know all the local campaigners and the only one to resign is 83 years old! Certainly nobody has spoken out against us being right-wing ... we are noted as being amongst the most one-nation party in the East. Methinks you are having your leg pulled, Maltheus.

Anonymous said...

3 traits essential for a good councillor
genuine desire and commitment to serve
ability to campaign EFFECTIVELY on local issues - not the same as hard!
the resilience not to let your commitment to serving your community get diluted by the regular undeserved abuse you get.

forget being a good orator - that is almost irrelevent to the role of the majority of councillors

Nich Starling said...

Honesty - That sometimes means giving bad news.

Responsibility - Realising you are there to to a job, not simply just oppose everything in order to gain populatuty and be a councillor.

A think skin ? - I don't know. Thick skins are needed in order to cope with the nasty snide comments from political opponents, but too think and you fail to listen to genuine concerns.

Nich Starling said...

Sorry, I meant a thick skin, not a think skin.