Tuesday 15 May 2007

Deputy Leadership Contest

Regardless of what party you are in you will have a view of whom should be deputy PM. True that only Labour party members get to vote for them but they will be the deputy leader of our country. Lets presume that GB gets the PM position...

Who should get it? My vote (If i had one) would be cast for JohnCruddas. I say this not because i necessarily agree with his politics but because i appreciate that he has criticised the leadership constructively at times other than when the PM has announced he is stepping down. Most of the candidates are now criticising aspects of Blairs legacy and politics but they didn't dare when their career depending on it. Now it's open season on American relationship etc. At least Cruddas stood up for what he believed in before the end game looked near.

Whats your view? And no saying 'None of them or they would all be as rubbish'

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